Tag Archive | son

A day with my one year old son… 

I have two boys, ages eight and one. My oldest was a dream baby. He was a pretty great toddler too. My youngest though… He’s another story. He is my karma for every naughty thing I did and instance of back talking to my mom. And he’s only 19 months old!!


This is his daily tantrum for having to wake up.

Any typical day consists of him throwing ALL his clothes out of his dresser. Pulling EVERY book off his organized book shelf (I’m OCD-that will be another blog post). Dragging the poor dog around the house by her tail or collar. Throwing my Pampered Chef kitchen utensils in the garbage. Climbing on TOP of the desk and throwing things to the floor. Escaping into the (fenced) backyard while I try to pee by myself. Taking ash out of the wood stove and throwing it on the floor. Eating dog food (this happens many times… EVERYDAY). Climbing on top of bed drawers to get on my bed. Ripping EVERY DVD off my alphabetized (OCD again) shelves. Dumping cereal all over the floor. Escaping into the garage any chance he gets. Throwing all the soil out of my raised garden beds. Destroying anything in big brothers room when given an opportunity. Pulling everything out of my desk drawers, including tacks.


Escapes to the backyard while I use the bathroom.

Now before you sit there and judge me for not supervising my toddler let me remind you that these little humans are quick… Like ninjas! As I clean up one mess he’s busy causing chaos in another room. Most of the time I can’t use the restroom alone, and when I do, I come out to what looks to be a typhoon that destroyed my house. I turn my head for one minute or attempt to cook supper and he’s on a mission to annihilate something.


Taking my alphabetized DVDs off the shelf. 

One would hope that with all the energy he gets out during the day, that he would sleep ten hours and through the night. But nope… He wakes up every 2-3 hours all night and he doesn’t just roll over and fall back to sleep. He screams bloody murder and throws giant tantrums. They may only last a few minutes and then he falls back to sleep but it leaves me awake for awhile every time.


Climbing on older brothers desk!

But I wouldn’t trade ANY of it for anything. He is my baby boy and I love him with everything I have. I don’t mind having a chaperone in the restroom or having to shower with a toddler. I can handle the lack of sleep and tantrums and utter chaos because I know he will only stay little for a short time. He is our last child and I will value and soak up every last one of these moments.


Climbs on anything he can.

**I’m not looking for advice on how to control my toddler or help him sleep at night. So please don’t offer unwanted advice. If you think I’m looking for advice, than please be sure to read the paragraph above this one again!!**